Sunday, February 06, 2005

I could never be... Something

I am a song
Played softly
But once you turn up the volume
Loud enough to hear
You find I am not worth listening to

I am a heart
Upside down, broken, battered, calloused and hopeless
Black and cold, repulsive and ugly
If anyone saw it
They would never dare to come near

I am a page
Filled with lines and scribbles
A mess of black lines
Until you look closely
And read the story hidden

I am darkness
To run away from Light's presence
But to creep back
And peek in from her edge
She breaks my existence with her mere being

I am a noise
Only to be heard by those listening
A whisp of cloud, mist, always eluding grasp
Even my own

I am death
Damned to live
Always dying
Never dead
Still here, still breathing


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